What makes America exceptional?
Is it the fact that we have contributed 96% of the world's modern advancements while only being 4% of the world's population? Is it because the rest of the world tries to immolate us?
The answer is simple: it's our Nation Birth Certificate, the Declaration of Independence, and our representative form of government through our U.S. Constitution that has made us superior to other countries. We have maintained our form of governance for the last 246 years while China has implemented 4 constitutions since 1954 and Russia 4 since 1918. The technologies have changed but the principles have not.
There are 6 Immutable Principles that I have learned from Tim and David Barton of Wallbuilders that make us exceptional.
The First Principle is that the Founders understood that there is a fixed moral standard for right and wrong and it establishes absolute truth. It is defined as "The Law of Nature and Nature's God." By careful observance of Nature, such as the ant in Proverbs 6 which needed no "overseer" to tell him what to do, we see there's a built-in natural progression to all creation. So, self-defense, the right of association, and the liberty of movement are just few things built into our Natural system. With that said, show me where in nature an animal that enslaves another species, kills its own in the womb, performs homosexual acts for pleasure, or a mammal that can pick its own gender. Regardless of our feelings towards them, they are contrary to laws and behaviors of nature itself. Without these "natural" truths we are headed for a "natural" disaster.
The 2nd Principle is the fact that the Framers understood there was a Divine Creator and we needed His Providence to guide our nation. Many historians revisionist have painted the Founders as atheist or deist, but we must base our opinion of their faith in Jesus by the very conformation of their own words. Benjamin Rush described himself as a "Christocrat" and George Washington in his Farewell Address declared "religion and morality" are "great pillars"and "indispensable supports" to our society. Even Benjamin Franklin, who is the sighted as the least religious Founder, in his letter to Joseph Huey in 1753 quoted several Bible verses which only reaffirms the country was founded on Christian principles. Include fact that 1400 prayer proclamations were issued by the Founders while in office prior to 1815 can only verify this.
The 3rd Principle is to realize that our Inalienable Rights came from God which means no man or government can take them away because they were given to us by our Creator. This truth created distinct jurisdictions where government understood that the rights of the governed best not dared to be tread or infringed upon. John Adams stated that our inalienable rights are "antecedent to all earthly governments - rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws - rights are derived from the great Legislator of the Universe." To interfere with these rights are out of their jurisdiction.
The 4th Principle is to understand that Governments only exist to secure our inalienable rights. The Declaration demands that we are to have "Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness" and the proper role of government is to make sure these are assessable to all humanity. This includes the right to life whether they are in the womb or in the retirement home. Historian David Barton is quoted to have said "show me where a politician is on Life and I'll show you where he is on any other issue."
Slavery was a violation of basic human liberty yet we have failed to learn about many Black heroes as well as some noted abolitionist such as John Quincy Adams to fought to set the captives free. All people are "created equal" and designed to be free to pursue their God-given talents and any government that hinders their pursuit is violation these protected rights.
The 5th Principle to acknowledge is the fact that Government cannot act without the consent of the governed. Consent means “your permission” so the Government is subjugated to the will of the majority. Over the last several years the Judicial system has seemed to have this philosophy backwards by enforcing the will of the minority onto the majority such as the LGTQ, Marxist, and atheist agendas which are predominant in our culture today. David Barton prescribes the antidote by stating "the best protection of the minority is an educated majority." Education is key so educate yourself so you can disciple others.
The 6th and final Principle is the right to form a new government based on the last 5 Principles. When the "Government becomes destructive to these ends" we have a right to abolish and replace it. The fastest and best way is through the ballot box. We can only hope and pray that America can change it's course to so we can rediscover those lost liberties taken along the way.